Spring tea

As the days grow longer and the sun is warming our bodies, the promise of Spring brings happiness and joy. I love this time of year. The earth wakes up from its wintery sleep and you can almost hear the growing plants and shoots. It takes a lot of energy. A similar thing is happening … Read more

What is Reiki?

After devoting most of my time to study for the last few months, I am now back up and running with my therapy room and able to teach Reiki once again. I would like to share with you what it means for me and how Reiki has helped me in my everyday life. Although I … Read more

New Year Prayer for Compassion

Although I’m trying to pretend I have no idea how it happened, the year 2019 came upon us. Happy New Year Everybody! All the changes and shifts in the air, all the mystery of the beginning of the year, the first month, the winter change brought some thoughtfulness and promises of improvement. As it happens … Read more

Herbal remedies

There is widespread perception amongst the general public that herbal medicines being “natural” must be entirely safe. There is nothing more misinterpreted. We have to remember that in order to influence human physiology, herbs have to interact with our physiological system in the same way other drugs do; otherwise they would have no effect. What … Read more

The story of The First Birth

We have just said good bye to December, a month in which some religions celebrate the birth of a new God or a God’s child. Using this opportunity, I would like to tell you a different story, for there is a miracle in every single birth. But the miracle has to start somewhere, and this … Read more

Birth in Ancient Egypt

The culture of ancient Egypt mesmerised people throughout the centuries. The pyramids, the tombs, the carvings brought thousands of tourists through Egyptian borders each year. The land of the pharaohs, life giving river Nile and stories of gods and goddesses captured the imagination of children and adults alike. From the first moment I’ve heard about … Read more

Healing hidden in Linden tree

July is the month when the Linden (Tilia cordata) is in full bloom not only in Poland or England but also throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Linden is a sacred tree. It had a special meaning in pagan, pre-Christian tradition running so deep that Christianity was forced to embrace the tree as their own. Gods … Read more

Freed by the Spirits

This blog is going to be about birth, femininity and spirit possession. The way we birth the new generation shows how free we really are; how we perceive our bodies and ourselves through them. We birth our children in cultural and social context – a place that is so very difficult to get out of. … Read more

The paths of life

I think there is a path created for every one of us. Sometimes we struggle to find it, sometimes it just unravels itself under our feet. Some people find it quite late in their lives, some early on, but we all find it and if we accept to follow it, we will find the meaning … Read more