Reiki Training

Reiki training

A Reiki Attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The ability to learn Reiki is passed from the teacher to the student. This process opens the crown, heart and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will be connected to Reiki till the end of your life, it does not wear off and you can never lose it. Learning Reiki will enable you to provide self-treatments, and also treat others.Courses are carried out on one-to-one basis and they are day-long, which gives you a sufficient time to practise. During your day you will experience giving and receiving Reiki, meditating, and relaxing. You will have time to really listen to yourself and feel the Reiki energy. That will be the beginning of your journey and as your teacher I will provide you with long-term support via email and phone. This is a very personal journey of self-discovery, love, energy and healing, a journey that can open you for yourself and the world, and fill you with light.Upon completion of each level you will receive a manual and certificate.

I am a fully qualified Reiki Master/Teacher based in Cambridge.

LEVEL I (SHODEN – First Degree)

You will learn what Reiki is and how it works. You will become confident with a range of Reiki techniques. Upon completion you will be able to use Reiki on yourself and other people. You will also be able to use Reiki on animals and plants.

Course includes manual and certificate.
Please contact me for course details and prices.

LEVEL II (OKUDEN – Second Degree)

You will learn Reiki Symbols and you will learn about distance healing Reiki. You will become confident with sending Reiki and with working with others. You will feel the increased flow of energy.

Course includes manual and certificate.
Please contact me for course details and prices.

Course requirements: To have been attuned to Reiki Level I for a minimum 6 months.


You will get to know and be confident with the Master Symbol and Kotodama. You will deepen your confidence with meditation and integrating Reiki in your everyday life. You will become more aware of energy and the spiritual impact of Reiki.

Course includes manual and certificate.

Please contact me for course details and prices.

Course requirements: To have been attuned to Reiki Level II for a minimum of 6 months.


You will be able to teach and pass attunements to others and you will be confident working with new symbols.

Course includes manual and certificate.
Please contact me for course details and prices. 

Course requirements: To have been attuned to Reiki Master Level for a minimum of 6 months.