Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing is a practice of making changes in invisible realms to impact healing of an individual or community. This healing restores balance and brings back lost parts of ourselves.
In Shamanic perception all illness has a spiritual cause which is expressed in the physical world. Shaman will weave a thread to the source of the symptom; to the energetic imprint that if left unattended with time will embody the physical ailment. Through Shamanic healing the spiritual origin of illness can be healed and the client can be returned to the state of balance.
During Shamanic healing I will use a combination of methods that will be revealed to me by the Spirit. Each method includes the use of shamanic tools, smudging, toning, rattling, drumming, crystals, and more. Each Shamanic Healing session will end with Reiki healing and Transfiguration.
Methods that I will use include:
- Extraction
- Soul Retrieval
- Healing with the Spiritual Light/ Transfiguration
- Ancestral Healing
- Shamanic Journey on behalf of the client
- Elemental work
- Chakra healing
I can offer Shamanic Healing sessions personally or as a Distance Healing via Zoom.
A Shamanic healing session usually lasts between 120-150 minutes and you will remain fully clothed.
Your investment: £120