My confession of the month is that I like sweet things, I just do. I know how inflammatory sugar is, but my love for sweetness very often clouds my judgment in choice making, especially when it comes to breakfast. So I have put my thinking hat on and decided to find a healthier solution that is still delicious and sweet. This is how after many trials I have come to the recipe that I’m going to share here with you. There are no nasty things here and you can tailor it to your own needs. Because of my son’s nut allergy, our home is a nut free zone, but feel free to add as many nuts as you wish (lucky people!). For us, seeds have to be the nut’s substitute. So check your pantry, choose your favourite seeds, fruits and/or nuts and let’s get cooking. It’s easy, simple and fast, and that’s how I like my kitchen life.
1 mug oats (ordinary mug that you can find in your cupboard)
¾ mug oatbran
½ mug sunflower seeds
½ mug pumpkin seeds
¼ mug sesame seeds
¼ mug flax seeds
4 large spoons of olive oil
2 large spoons of honey (Linden flower honey is my favourite, but it works well with wildflower honey as well)
1 large spoon of maple syrup
½ mug dried cranberries
How to:
Heat your oven to 140C.
In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients, apart from cranberries (we will add them at the very end, otherwise they will burn)
In a small sauce pan gently heat oil, honey and maple syrup. Mix it well until it joins together in an even mass, do not let it boil.
Add the melted sweetness to the oaty mixture and mix well together.
Put a baking sheet on a large flat baking pan and transfer your mixture. Spread it super flat all over your baking pan (you may need to use two baking pans, depending on the size of yours).
Bake for 45-50 min.
Take out the oven and add the cranberries. They will nicely stick on.
Wait until it cools down, only then it will become crispy and you will be able to easily break it up. Break it up into as large pieces as you wish.
Keep in a dry, air-tight container (I use a large glass jar).
Enjoy on cornflakes, muesli, yogurt, or eat as a snack throughout your day when you feel cravings for something sweet.
Enjoy and please let me know what you think!!!
With love, Agnieszka x