Power held in Untold Stories

Picture of a cat

Our life contains many stories, hundreds and thousands of them. They flow in our blood stream. We carry them within ourselves, our minds, our bodies, our thoughts. These are our own stories – the ones we dream to life, the ones we remember and those that are happening to us right now. But we also … Read more

Summer Tea

As it happened the first part of this year proved to be extremely busy for me – I will write about the reasons in my next blog. Without my conscious realisation winter turned into spring and then spring turned into summer. And here I am, six months deep into the year, six months older, and … Read more

Happy New Year

With the phantom of 2020 firmly attached to our backs, we’re looking forward to 2021 with curiosity and a healthy dose of wishful thinking. I truly hope that the end of 2020 has been calm for you, and filled with the promise of returning light, together with blessings of inner-peace,  good food and company. Year … Read more