What is Reiki?

After devoting most of my time to study for the last few months, I am now back up and running with my therapy room and able to teach Reiki once again. I would like to share with you what it means for me and how Reiki has helped me in my everyday life. Although I took a year off teaching, doulaing and therapy, Reiki has always been an integral and very important part of my life. Reiki is Energy, and Energy is a fundamental part of all life. It is the essence of our being and all beings around us – it unifies us. My daily connection with Reiki is now as natural as is breathing.

For me Reiki is not only a self-healing method, but also a spiritual path. Healing yourself is the first step to healing the world, the planet and humanity. It is all about trying to achieve a state of balance on all levels. How can you realise it? I’m afraid it is not an overnight transformation – it is a process, a way of living your life and creating your own perception of the world and your own imprint on it. Once connected, you are permanently joined with the source of this beautiful and amazing healing energy that will stay with you and work on you for all time. Whether you practice meditations, self-treatment or treating others, you intensify the beneficial effects that the energy has on you. Mikao Usui (the founder of Reiki as a modern healing system) called it a “Method to Achieve Personal Perfection”. In this way he created a path to enlightenment that we can follow today. And because it is a journey that matters more in life than the destination, Reiki teaches us how to live our lives in the highest regard and respect for all life-forms (which means to ourselves as well!). It helps us to combat anger, frustration, hate, and fills us with strength, love, compassion and the feeling of oneness with the surrounding world. It heals the pain (the physical one as well as the deeply rooted existential suffering). Because of that it is a perfect tool that can be used in everyday situations. When you are the victim of stress, Reiki will bring you peace and calmness, it will also help you to focus your mind and get the job done. In the birthing room Reiki will bring tranquillity, strength and capability to deal with the pain when your body will start to open to bring your baby into the world. After surgery it will give you the power to cope with discomfort, will ease your sleep and help to heal. Reiki helps through all cycles of life.

Going for treatment is a wonderful experience. This is “me-time” that everybody deserves and needs, but also not very often ready to offer oneself. This is a time of healing and connection. Everybody should find at least an hour a month to go for Reiki treatment. As I previously mentioned, treatments are wonderful, but why not start your own Reiki journey? Your teacher will walk beside you and will help you along the way. Reiki will lighten your path, will hold and guide you. You will be able to find not only your true self, but also your strength, peace, love, fulfilment, compassion and be able to begin your journey towards your personal growth and enlightenment.