Spiral Moon Gathering

For me the Moon is the quintessence of feminine wisdom. She doesn’t ask permission – she waxes and wanes, she reaches fulness and blesses us with her light to then disappear without guilt, leaving us in darkness. There is no judgment in her stellar movements, no shame. She travels cycle after cycle, following the infinite spiral of death and rebirth, ascension and descent, light, and darkness – following her inner compass, the wisdom of the Divine Feminine.

Photo of hands of a circle of friends
Photo of colourful flowers

Lunar wisdom is mirrored in our bodies, in our wombs. Analogously to our night sky guide, the energy of our womb also rises and wanes, reaching her fulness in the beam of ovulation to descend into darkness flavoured with blood – cycle after cycle, following the infinite spiral of death and rebirth. We are the embodiment of lunar energy, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, yet for centuries we were forced to believe that our journey is one of shame, limitation, and guilt – but we now know better. We are armed in wisdom of the importance of our spiral journey. We flourish within intelligence and importance of self-care. When women come together to share, to experience, to witness, and to be – miracles happen.

Please join me in the Spiral Moon Gathering sessions. Each month we will listen to the wisdom of our womb. We will work with a different divine energy deepening our self-care. We will listen, share, witness and hold one another in love and highest regard. We will find and speak our truth. We will deepen the threads of sisterhood in beauty, vulnerability, tears, and joy. We will honor our bodies; their transformative potential and we will connect to the wisdom of our ancestors and the land we are living on. Through meditation, breath, creativity, movement, ritual, ceremony and with the wisdom of the Spirit we will rediscover the sacredness of our own lives and reconnect to the Great Web of Life – as only together, in sisterhood and enveloped in the feminine wisdom we can change the world.

Time and place: TBC monthly (please contact me for more information)

Your investment: £50/gathering